Calculators for the math challenged…

DOCP dosage calculator
Enter dog's weight for the recommended starting dose of Percorten-v. Novartis Guidelines: "Dosage requirements are variable and must be individualized on the basis of the response of the patient to therapy. Begin treatment with Percorten-V at a dose of 1mg per pound of body weight every 25 days. In some patients the dose may be reduced. Serum sodium and potassium levels should be monitored to assure the animal is properly compensated. Most patients are well controlled with a dosage range of .75mg to 1mg per pound of body weight, given every 21 to 30 days.”

Ratio calculator
Enter sodium (Na) and potassium (K) to calculate ratio. "Reference Ranges" given for these values are according to the Merck Veterinary Manual, and are adapted primarily from "Boyd J.W., The interpretation of serum biochemistry test results in domestic animals," published in "Veterinary Clinical Pathology," Veterinary Practice Publishing Co., 13(2), 1984, and from other sources.

Weight conversion calculator
Calculates common weight measurement equivalents: kilograms to pounds, mls to ounces, etc.

Glucocorticoid Conversion Calculator
Global RPh (convert dosages of glucocorticoids: prednisone to hydrocortisone, etc.)

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