What are
Corticosteroids are hormones produced
naturally by the adrenal glands which have many important functions on
every organ system...Corticosteroids affect the strength of heart
muscle and its response to natural chemicals affecting heart rate. They
affect the water and salt balance in the body and also enable the body
to cope with stress. Stress includes changes in temperature, pain,
fear, anxiety and illness and can be hazardous if the body is not
equipped to cope, due to low levels of corticosteroids. Corticosteroids
allow us to respond to stress by increasing the rate and force of the
heartbeat, increasing blood supply to essential tissues (muscle, heart,
brain), increasing the body's supply of energy by raising blood sugar
and by several other effects on body systems.
What are the signs
of too much or too
little prednisone, Florinef or DOCP?
The signs of too much pred
can include excessive thirst, excessive urination, ravenous appetite,
panting, nervousness or restlessness, thinning skin, hair loss,
elevated liver enzymes. Signs of too little pred
include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, loose stools, lethargy,
weakness. Signs of too much Florinef would
show up mainly in the bloodwork as high
sodium and low potassium. It can also result in edema and excessive
urination. Signs of too little Florinef
also show up in the bloodwork as low
sodium and high potassium. The low sodium can sometimes be seen as
signs of dehydration in the dog (tacky gums, skin on the shoulder that
doesn't snap back when pinched). The high potassium will frequently
cause a slow heartbeat. Some people have also noticed twitching or
shivering when the potassium starts to rise.
What is "Atypical"
Deficient in cortisol
only. The zones of the adrenal glands that manufacture cortisol are no
longer functioning. (treated
with a low daily dose of prednisone only)
What is
"Primary/Typical" Addison's?
Deficient in cortisol
AND aldosterone. The zones of the adrenal
glands that manufacture cortisol AND aldosterone are no longer
functioning. (treated
with prednisone and either Percorten or Florinef)
What is
"Secondary" Addison's?
Adrenal glands are normal, but the
does not signal a need for cortisol.
"Secondary adrenal insufficiency is due to a decrease in the production
of the pituitary hormone ACTH (adrenocorticotropic
hormone). ACTH is a pituitary messenger -- it tells the adrenal cortex
to produce cortisol. If there is
insufficient ACTH -- due to pituitary damage, a pituitary tumor, or
some other cause -- then cortisol
production is not stimulated. Secondary adrenal insufficiency can also
arise when corticosteroid therapy (such as prednisone...) is
abruptly halted. These treatments suppress natural cortisol
production and it can take several weeks or months for normal
production to resume. With secondary adrenal insufficiency aldosterone
production is usually not affected."
What is
"compounded" Florinef?
For efficient and cost-effective
treatment of
Primary Canine Addison's Disease, a "compounding pharmacist" can
prepare an entire day's dose of generic fludrocortisone
acetate in one (or two) capsules.
What's the
difference between Primary
and Secondary Addison's?
"Addison's disease can be
characterized as
being either primary or secondary. As the name implies, primary
reflects an insufficiency due to a defect or atrophy in the adrenal
gland itself. Secondary Addison's disease reflects the condition where
the impaired adrenal cortex function is the consequence of some other
identifiable cause; for example, a deficiency in adrenocorticotropin
hormone (ACTH), the hormone that stimulates the adrenal gland to
function." Dr. Anita Oberbauer -in her presentation to the Tufts
Genetics and Breeding Conference (10/05) http://www.vin.com/
What happens if
potassium level goes TOO low?
Hypokalemia (low potassium) causes
muscle weakness, increased thirst and urination, fatigue, loss of
appetite, muscle cramps, cardiac irregularities, and puts a strain on
the kidneys. Administering more Percorten-v or Florinef than is
necessary to "normalize" or balance
the electrolytes, can cause hypokalemia.
More on the
of low potassium (hypokalemia)
"Overmedicating" with Percorten-v or
Florinef can cause hypokalemia, which can be as
damaging to the heart and body as the opposite condition (hyperkalemia:
elevated potassium).
The most lethal consequence of hypokalemia is cardiac arrhythmias. The
manifestation of potassium depletion is muscle weakness which can lead
to paralysis. In severe cases, respiratory muscle paralysis may occur.
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