Reference manuals, charts, tools, instructions


ACTH testing
Procedure and interpretation of ACTH test results

Reference manuals, charts, tools, instructions
Merck Vet Manual, 5-Minute Veterinary Consult, Canine and Feline Edition, conversion calculators, search for a vet, how to give CPR and SubQ injections, etc.

Calculators for the math challenged
Na:K Ratio calculator, DOCP dosage calculator, Glucocorticoid conversion calculator, weight conversion calculator

Written by Ada’s Medical Knowledge Team

Merck Hematologic Reference Ranges
Definition of normal veterinary ranges in both blood chemistry and hematology values

Blood differentials
Medline Plus -a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health (encyclopedia of "human" medical information)

Cambridge Specialist Laboratories Services
"Veterinary endocrinology and specialist biochemistry" (Canine Adrenal function tests -ACTH, LDDT, HDDT, urine cortisol, etc.)

Care of the Emaciated Dog
PedMD: Caring for an Emaciated Dog

Electrolyte disorders / imbalances
Serum electrolyte imbalances. An electrolyte disorder is an imbalance of certain ionized salts (i.e., bicarbonate, calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, and sodium) in the blood. Electrolyte imbalances: Medications, chronic diseases, and trauma (for example, burns, or fractures etc.) may cause the concentration of certain electrolytes in the body to become too high (hyper-) or too low (hypo-). When this happens, an electrolyte imbalance, or disorder, results.

IDEXX "Snapp" testing guide
Quantitative cortisol test for diagnosis of Addison's

Serum Biochemical (blood test) Reference Ranges
from the Merck Veterinary Manual

Testing Protocols
Idexx Testing Laboratories: "Small Animal Testing Protocols" Index of commonly used small animal protocols and information sheets.

Understanding "Reference Ranges"
Reference ranges and what they mean: the “normal” or reference range

Understanding the CBC
"Lab tests online" explains how it's used, when it's ordered, and what the test results mean

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